The platform of a blog can have its perks and downsides. I believe this blog could be helpful and make me better accustomed to using/having my own website. It is very accessible to the public so opinions and thoughts can be shared easily. It is also very important in our modern day since technology is a primary source for information, it is straightforward for people to be able to find the information they may be looking for on these blogs. However, coming up with ideas and thoughts to share on a blog like this can become difficult if I’ve hit a roadblock in my writing or feel uninspired. Overall, I believe that having a blog could be a good experience for the course.
Your site is off to a good start. I appreciate your initial reaction to the ePortfolio. Don’t worry, as I will keep you busy with ideas to include as posts on your blog–at least this semester.
Consider fleshing out your About Me page as the class proceeds, and please reach out if you need anything.